From Investor to Citizen: The Journey of Residency by Investment

In an age where global mobility is becoming increasingly important, the concept of Residency by Investment (RBI) has emerged as a popular pathway for individuals seeking to establish a new life in a foreign country. RBI programmes offer a unique opportunity for investors to not only obtain legal residency but also pave the way towards […]
St Kitts and Nevis Promotes Good Governance

Embrace a nation dedicated to promoting transparency, accountability, and ethical practices as St Kitts and Nevis promotes good governance. Impactful legislation to increase transparency and minimise corruption The legislation, outlined by Attorney General Hon. Garth Wilkin, aims to reduce corruption and protect those who expose it. The Anti-Corruption Act No. 5 of 2023 defines and […]
Dominica officially signs Geothermal Power Plant Deal

The Government of Dominica and Dominica Electricity Services (DOMLEC) have entered into an agreement with Ormat Technologies Inc. for the development of a ten MW geothermal power plant in Laudat. The deal signed at COP 28, aims to stabilise electricity tariffs, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and responsibly harness the island’s rich geothermal resources. Contract […]
What is CBI?

Citizenship by Investment (CBI) has gained significant attention and popularity in recent years as a pathway to acquiring an alternative citizenship. Let’s delve into the world of CBI and explore its benefits, processes, and implications. What is CBI? CBI is a programme that offers individuals the opportunity to acquire citizenship in a country through significant […]
St Kitts and Nevis unleashes unparalleled luxury in the Caribbean cruise market

St Kitts and Nevis, the captivating twin-island nation in the Caribbean, has emerged as a powerhouse in the luxury cruise market, offering travellers an unmatched level of opulence and indulgence. With its stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and world-class amenities, this destination has become synonymous with luxury and exclusivity, captivating the hearts of discerning […]
Alternative Citizenship by Investment for Wealthy Kenyans

Kenyan investors are actively seeking opportunities to diversify their portfolios and secure alternative citizenship through Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programmes. We look at alternative Citizenship by Investment for Wealthy Kenyans. These CBI Programmes, offered by several countries around the world, provide a pathway for individuals to obtain citizenship by making a significant economic contribution to […]
Unlocking business opportunities through Citizenship by Investment

In today’s increasingly globalised world, businesses are constantly seeking new avenues for growth and expansion. One promising avenue that has gained significant traction in recent years is moving your business abroad through Citizenship by Investment (CBI). Let’s look at business opportunities through Citizenship by Investment. Also Read: Top five places to do business in 2023 […]
Court rules Japan’s dual nationality ban constitutional – a controversial decision

A Japanese court on 06 December 2023, ruled the country’s nationality law that denies dual citizenship is constitutional, rejecting a lawsuit filed by a Japanese-born U.S. citizen. This decision has sparked heated debates and raised questions about the importance of dual nationality in today’s globalised world. We look into the complexities surrounding their dual nationality […]
Dominica’s Secret Bay claims top spot in the Caribbean!

When it comes to luxury resorts and hotels in the Caribbean, Dominica’s Secret Bay stands out as a hidden gem that offers an unparalleled experience for discerning travelers. Recently recognised by AFAR as one of the ’15 Best Luxury Resorts and Hotels in the Caribbean’, Secret Bay has captivated visitors with its breathtaking natural beauty, […]
St Kitts and Nevis Paves the Way Towards a Sustainable Future

Vision for Sustainability On 28 November 2023, in a compelling address at the Energy Conference, Minister Konris Maynard outlined a visionary plan to position St Kitts and Nevis as a beacon of sustainability in the Caribbean region. Roadmap to Renewable Energy Minister Maynard revealed a strategic roadmap aimed at achieving 30 per cent renewable energy […]