Episode 8

The CBI Process

This episode of Plan B will take you through what a typical application process for CBI in Dominica and St Kitts and Nevis looks like and learn all the basic steps to start your journey towards successfully attaining second citizenship in one of these two jurisdictions.

Episode 7

The Difference between CBI & RBI

In this episode, our guest speaks to us about the difference between citizenship by investment and residency by investment programmes, two major options in the immigration investment realm.

Episode 6

What CBI Programme Is Right for You?

On our sixth episode, our expert provides insight on which CBI programme in Dominica and St Kitts and Nevis could be right for you or your client. She details factors like family size, nationality and travel or residency options which can help dictate the best option when choosing the CBI programme best fit.

Episode 5

The Unique Features of the Russian CBI Market

On this episode of Plan B, our CBI expert in Russia talks to us about the new dual citizenship decree in the country and what it means for travel. She also shines light on some of the unique features of the Russian CBI market.

Episode 4

Change in China's CBI Demands

Though applicants for CBI come from around the globe, research shows that some of the biggest markets are in East Asia. In this week’s episode, we speak to Vicky Ma, the manager of the China marketing team at CS Global Partners’ London office, about the Caribbean’s long-standing relationship with Chinese investors thanks to CBI and the changes in the market since COVID-19.

Episode 3

How CBI Contributes to Nations

There are many benefits that Caribbean nations draw from hosting and developing CBI Programmes. This episode focuses on how CBI has helped St Kitts and Nevis and Dominica – two countries that have been running CBI programmes for decades – recover from financial and natural disasters.

Episode 2

Applicant Benefits of CBI

On this episode of Plan B, we talk about some of the major advantages of second citizenship in the Caribbean an investor has which ranging from greater mobility, wider business options, and future security.

Episode 1

What is CBI?

On this first episode of Plan B, we discuss what Citizenship by Investment (CBI) is. We speak to CS Global Partners’ Head of Government Advisory Practice, Beatrice Gatti, who details the history of CBI in the Caribbean and discusses its growing demand in these uncertain times.