‘Finding Certainty with CBI in Dominica’ Webinar on April 2nd

Get the details on how you can apply for second citizenship in the Commonwealth of Dominica from the nation’s experts in Citizenship by Investment.

Join our exclusive webinar with details about how you can apply for second citizenship from the Commonwealth of Dominica. Featuring H.E. Ambassador Emmanuel Nanthan, Head of the Commonwealth of Dominica Citizenship by Investment Unit.

The webinar will discuss the benefits of second citizenship in Dominica like:

  • Untapped business opportunities in a growing economy and stable democracy
  • Seamless processing leading to approval of an application in 3 months from submission
  • No interview, residency, education, or business experience requirements
  • Visa-free travel to approximately 140 countries and territories

Date: April 2nd, 2020

Time: 4:00 PM in Harare, Pretoria

Register here to join the webinar and find out more about CBI in Dominica.