Dominica hosts National Geographic photo camp

Dominica, the picturesque island renowned for its natural beauty, recently played host to the National Geographic Photo Camp. The competition invited young people between the ages of 14 and 32.

The four-day-long interactive experience was hosted earlier this year by National Geographic, in collaboration with a locally based Project CETI (Cetacean Translation Initiative). The National Geographic photo camp provided a unique platform for budding photographers to explore the profound art of storytelling through the lens of their cameras.

Also Read: Dominica is dominating the tourism industry in the Caribbean

Twenty youngsters from across Dominica participated in the series of workshops and presented their work at a closing ceremony with outlining of their stories and photographs. Selected images from this will also be shown at the Project CETI Fellowship Summit, which is scheduled to take place in July this year in Dominica.

As Dominica offers one of the most stunning landscapes and vibrant communities, it helped the participants to delve into the world of photography in a transformative journey that showcased the captivating power of visual narratives.

National Geographic Explorers Mentors Young Photographers

National Geographic Explorers Malaika Vaz, Ronan Donovan, and Sirachai Arunrugstichai lent their expertise, serving as mentors and guides to aspiring photographers during the camp.

The students explored Dominica from “ridge to reef” and shared their experiences on how they connected to the island’s ocean and marine ecosystem, wildlife and culture.

National Geographic Explorer Malaika Vaz said that working with young students of Dominica was a real pleasure. She said students pushed themselves outside of their comfort zone during the Photo Camp, which made them more confident, and connected with new community members with empathy and passion.

Project CETI (Cetacean Translation Initiative)

Project CECTI is a National Geographic Programme and approved Dominican charity that focuses on the advancement of machine learning and robotics to listen to and translate the communication of sperm whales in Dominica.

Dr David Gruber – Founder and the Leader of Project CETI says they are the core of the mission and it is creating new opportunities for the youth of Dominica.

Dominica and it’s Sustainable Tourism

Dominica has taken a multifaceted approach to ensure climate resilience. This includes a strong focus on ecotourism and investment in eco-resorts. In addition to funding conservation programmes – Dominica has also banned single-use plastic. The conservation programmes include the Mountain Chicken Recovery Programme and the Dominica Sperm Whale Project. Another goal is to be reliant on renewable energy by 2030.

With its pristine landscapes and vibrant communities, Dominica served as the perfect backdrop for the National Geographic photo camp participants to capture the essence of the island popular for its eco-tourism.

From exploring the island’s lush forests to immersing themselves in the ocean and marine ecosystems, the students witnessed first-hand the breath-taking wonders of Dominica’s environment. The camp not only fostered a deeper connection between the participants and the island but also showcased the immense potential for eco-tourism in the country.

Also Read: Dominica: world’s first climate-resilient nation? 

With its commitment to preserving its environment, Dominica has fostered a sustainable approach to tourism that harmoniously blends with its surroundings.

The island offers a plethora of eco-friendly activities, such as hiking through its vast network of nature trails, immersing in the hot springs, diving into vibrant coral reefs, and exploring the breath-taking Trafalgar Falls.