St Kitts and Nevis Implements SGF Limited Time Offer and Amends Fees

On 7 July 2020, the St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Unit announced mostly temporary changes to the country’s Citizenship by Investment Programme.

The changes encompass (1) a Limited Time Offer for families applying under the Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF) option and (2) fees for switching between investment options.

SGF Limited Time Offer

Under the Limited Time Offer, which is valid for a 6-month period, the following contribution amounts apply:

Application TypeCost
Single applicantUS$150,000
Family of up to four personsUS$150,000
Each additional dependant after the third dependantUS$10,000 each

What does this update mean for me?

The changes significantly lower the contribution amount for families of up to four persons under the SGF option. If you are considering applying under the Programme and wish to include your family members, you may wish to apply before the expiry of the Limited Time Offer to benefit from the reduced cost.

Fees for Switching Between Investment Options

Under the new changes, the fees for switching from the contribution option to the real estate option have been increased from US$10,000 per file to US$50,000 per file.

What does this update mean for me?

It is now more expensive to switch from the contribution option to the real estate option after submission of an application. This change is not subject to a Limited Time Offer and is a permanent feature of the Programme.

How can I find out more?

If you want to learn more about the recent changes to the St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme, please contact CS Global Partners.